TikTok Is Full of Dangerous Dental Advice
TIKTOK ISN’T THE best place to go for dental health advice — unless your dentist is active on the app. We’ve…
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TIKTOK ISN’T THE best place to go for dental health advice — unless your dentist is active on the app. We’ve…
ORTHODONTICS DATES BACK all the way to at least 400 BC. In Rome, Aulus Cornelius Celsus theorized that teeth could…
CONSIDERING HOW IMPORTANT our oral health is, we should all be happy to spend just four total minutes a day brushing…
PEOPLE HAVE BEEN getting cavities as long as there have been people, and people before modern dentistry had some strange theories…
MOST MEDICATIONS come with a list of possible side effects, including side effects that impact oral health. These side…
THE BENEFITS OF having straight teeth are many. Studies indicate that people with straight teeth are seen as more…
IT’S NOT ACTUALLY true that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile; smiling takes at least ten muscles while frowning…
IF YOU ARE or have been an orthodontic patient, you’ve probably wondered what the different parts of braces are for. Some…
IN ONE OF HIS sonnets, Shakespeare described the reeking breath of his lady love, and the subject came up again in two of his plays. He sets…
A COUPLE OF the biggest rites of passage in childhood are the first baby teeth coming in and the…